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How To Spot The Signs Of Bed Bugs Before They Take Over Your House

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Bed bugs are one of the most frustrating pests to deal with. Not only do they infest your furniture and soft materials but they can also cause annoying rashes and skin conditions. While it is often thought that finding any bed bugs in your home means you must immediately fumigate it and throw out everything they touched, this is only the case for extreme infestations. Normal pest control services can easily handle smaller bed bug problems, which is why you should always be on the lookout for the telltale signs of bed bugs to stop them before they spread. 

Check The Corners And Hidden Spots On Your Bed And Chairs

If you have even the slightest inkling that something may be wrong and you perhaps have insects of some sort roaming around your house, then the first place you should check is dark, obscured areas on your furniture. The connecting joints and stitching are perfect hiding places for small insects to take hold, and not just bed bugs either. Termites also love to live there, and if you don't find one, then perhaps you find the other. Pest control services can do a more thorough investigation if you still don't get any results but are convinced there is something amiss.

Red Spots

Bed bugs give a quite obvious red stain when they move about, eat, or get squashed to death. Overtime this color lessens into more of a rusty orange look, so if you see some trails of this but no actual live insects, then call up bed bug services as soon as possible; the hive may have moved to another section of your house. Red spots should always ring immediate alarm bells no matter where they are, as it implies there is quite a good number of the pest already.


Most insect eggs look quite similar to each other, being quite small and white. No matter what type of insect it is, you are always better safe than sorry when you find insect eggs. The only indication that eggs may belong to a bed bug over other insects is the amount. Bed bugs do not really lay that many eggs, especially at the start of a group infestation, while other insect colonies lay far more. Still, don't let wait for the eggs to hatch to ask the bugs what species they are. Get pest control on the case, and shut them down for good. If you see a few eggs, chances are there are a lot more you cannot see. 
