Tactics For Removing Fleas and Other Pests

Three Diseases Ticks Can Causes And Symptoms Of Each

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Many types of insects, such as ants and flies are oftentimes only a mere nuisance. While it’s true that ticks can be annoying as well, they are considered a more dangerous insect because of the diseases they are known to carry. Some of these tick-borne diseases cause very serious symptoms and others can be fatal. Here are three diseases ticks can cause and symptoms of each. Lyme Disease One of the most well-known tick-borne illnesses is Lyme disease. Read More»

Get Rid Of (And Prevent) Roaches In 6 Steps

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Pest elimination is a common concern, especially in the heat of the summer when even the bugs are looking for relief. Cockroaches are one of the most undesirable pests to have in the house. Are you afraid of attracting cockroaches to your house? Are you hoping to get rid of the ones you already have? These six steps will help you eliminate cockroaches from your home quickly and efficiently. 1. Place Glue Strips in Infestation Areas Read More»

Make Your Home Less Attractive To Mice

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If mice like to come into your home, and you are tired of sharing your living spaces with these pests, here are two different ways to make your home less attractive to the local mice population. #1 Organize & Clean Your Kitchen Your kitchen is one of the most appealing parts of your home for mice. If you really want to keep mice out of your home, you need to organize and clean up your kitchen. Read More»

Keeping Pests Out Of Your Yard

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If you live in an area where you deal with different types of wildlife then you may want to do your best to prevent them from becoming too comfortable in your yard. There are many reasons why keeping the different critters from making homes around your property can be a good idea. Deer can leave a lot of ticks in your yard that can be picked up by your pets, raccoons can be dangerous to your pets if they are confronted, skunks can spray a horrible spray that is very hard to get out of clothing and fur and there are also many other dangerous and/or destructive types of wildlife you may find yourself dealing with. Read More»

Getting Rid Of Rodents

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If you start finding small fecal pellets in your home, it is time to take action. Most of the time the fecal pellets are going to belong to a mouse or a rat. These two little rodents are known to carry some of the worst diseases around. The fleas that are on rats are often Xenopsylla cheopis. These are nasty little fleas that are thought to be the cause of the bubonic plague. Read More»