Tactics For Removing Fleas and Other Pests

4 Things You Need To Know About Anobiid Powderpost Beetles

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You probably already know that termites can damage the wood throughout your home, but you may not know that lots of other insects can do the same thing. You may discover other wood-destroying insects, like Anobiid powderpost beetles, in your home. Here are four things you need to know about Anobiid powderpost beetles. What do they look like? Anobiid powderpost beetles are small beetles; they are less than 516 of an inch long. Read More»

Mistakes To Avoid After Discovering Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room

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These days, beg bugs are a common problem–especially in hotels. Even if you make reservations at a very nice hotel, it is still possible that you could end up encountering bed bugs at some point during your stay. The best way to avoid this is to always check a room for bed bugs by looking under mattresses and on linens before settling into a room. However, even when taking precautions, it’s still possible for bed bugs to arise. Read More»

3 Laundromat Mistakes That Can Cause A Bed Bug Infestation

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Nobody wants to deal with a bed bug infestation in their home or apartment. They crawl on your body while you’re sleeping and leave itchy bites all over your skin. Worse, they’re very hard to get rid of once you have them. Everyone knows that you can pick up bed bugs in a hotel room, but any place that sees a lot of human traffic can have bed bugs, even your local laundromat. Read More»

How to Tell If You Have Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are a huge nuisance and can lead to serious health problems, so it’s important to figure out if you have them as soon as possible. Learn these few key facts to know whether or not you have a bed bug infestation. Where they live. A bed bug’s main living requirement is easy access to human or animal blood. They survive best at moderate temperatures and will die off in freezing weather. Read More»

Bed Bugs: Truths And Myths

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Bed bugs are biting pests that can be found in hotel rooms, schools, or even hospitals. These little insects can be hard to detect until a person has already been bitten, making them very difficult to eradicate. Here are the facts versus fiction about bed bugs, and what you should know in case you think you may have an infestation or have been bitten by them. Truths Here are some informative truths about those pesky bed bugs: Read More»