Tactics For Removing Fleas and Other Pests

How To Prevent Termite Infestations

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Termites are a common household pest that can cause a great deal of structural damage to wooden components of your home, which makes them particularly destructive. A termite infestation can also be quite costly to fix, since the termites themselves will have to be dealt with before the damage they have done within your home can be fixed. Therefore, the best form of termite control is preventing them from making it into your home in the first place. Read More»

Four Signs You Have A Flea Problem

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Fleas are a common household pest that can be commonly carried into your home by your pets but can then quickly spread to your clothes, bedding, and other soft surfaces. Fleas can also carry a number of diseases, which makes them a heath concern as well as a pest concern. The following are four signs that your home may have a flea problem, and if you notice one or any combination of them, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact a pest control specialist as soon as possible. Read More»

How To Remove Ladybugs From Your Home

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Ladybugs are a common garden insect that can be beneficial for your yard’s plants, as ladybugs are natural predators of aphids, another common garden pest. However, ladybugs can become a problem if they manage to find their way into the interior of your home, as they will likely do so in large groups and can find their way into food in your cabinets or garbage. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to remove the ladybug population that has found its way into your home. Read More»

Fall And Winter Mouse Prevention Tips: How To Keep Field Mice Out Of Your Home

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When the weather becomes too cold outside, some pests seek warmer places to raise their young, including field mice. Although field mice live in woody or grassy areas, the pests can enter human homes when it becomes too cold to live safely outdoors. Once inside your house, the pests create holes in your walls, cabinets, and flooring. The rodents also carry infectious diseases, parasites, and pathogens. You can keep mice out of your home with the simple tips below: Read More»

Inspect And Treat: How To Overcome A Bed Bug Situation

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Bed bugs are one of the worst pests you could possibly find in the home for several reasons. Unlike some pests, they survive and thrive by consuming human blood. They’re not attracted to food crumbs left on the table or on the floor. Instead, they are attracted to the warm body of a human or animal that they can feast on. Aside from biting people, bed bugs are notorious for being difficult to get rid of. Read More»