Tactics For Removing Fleas and Other Pests

Mice Removal Often Requires Professional Help

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If you hear scratching and squeaking in the walls or ceiling while you’re in bed at night, you probably have mice in your house. A mouse problem isn’t something to ignore because mice are destructive and they spread diseases. If you can’t stand the thought of setting a mouse trap and emptying the catch, then you can call a pest control company for help. Professional help may be needed anyway since mice are often difficult to eradicate once they’ve settled in. Read More»

Get Rid Of Your Bed Bug Problem With Heat

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It may be challenging to eliminate bed bugs with pesticides, but fortunately, the pests are vulnerable to extreme temperatures. High heat will kill the bugs quickly, but the problem is how to expose the bugs to a high enough temperature. Some pest control companies offer this service by bringing large heaters to your home to raise the temperature high enough to kill hidden bugs. Here’s how heat works to kill bed bugs. Read More»

4 Tips To Keep Pests Out Of Your Home Before The Winter Weather Arrives

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Soon, winter is going to be here in the pests outside your home are going to be looking for a nice warm place to stay. You want to make sure these pests stay out of your home before the cold winter weather arrives. This may mean that you need to have treatments done while the weather is still warm out. Here are some tips to help keep the pests out of your home before the winter weather arrives. Read More»

Rodents In Your Home? Key Differences Between Mice And Rats

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Rodents in your home can be physically, emotionally, and financially overwhelming, especially if they have caused actual damage. No matter which type of rodent has infested your personal space, help is available. Of course, proper understanding is key to diagnosing an infestation and determining which rodents have caused you and your home distress. This guide will help you learn the key differences between two common rodents that affect homeowners: mice and rats. Read More»

The Benefits Of Using Heat Treatment To Kill Bed Bugs

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Once bed bugs have infested a space, they can be challenging to get rid of. They are good at hiding, they multiply quickly, some types are becoming resistant to pesticides and they can go a prolonged period of time before they have to come out and eat. If your home is infested, there are different options that can be used to treat your home. One option is to heat treat your home. Read More»