Tactics For Removing Fleas and Other Pests

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Spring Cleaning For Pest Control: 4 Things To Add To Your To-Do List

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When you think of spring cleaning, you might not think about pest control first. However, this is the perfect opportunity to protect your home against pests. As warm weather approaches, insects and animals will begin making their presence known outside, and maybe even inside too. Consider the following as you set up your spring cleaning to-do list. 1. Clean Up The Yard Cleaning up the yard may already be on your list of prep for warmer weather, but in addition to seeding the lawn and planting bulbs, there are some pest control practices you can put into place as well. Read More»

Three Signs Of A Termite Infestation

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Termites are one of the most common types of pests that can take up residence within your home. They are also the most destructive, due to their tendency to eat away at wooden structures. This means that a termite infestation can be much more expensive to fix even after removing the bugs, since they can cause structural damage to a variety of surfaces throughout your home. Fortunately, there are a few warning signs that you can watch out for to determine if you may have a termite presence, so you can contact a pest control specialist and exterminator at the first sign of trouble. Read More»

How To Prevent Termite Infestations

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Termites are a common household pest that can cause a great deal of structural damage to wooden components of your home, which makes them particularly destructive. A termite infestation can also be quite costly to fix, since the termites themselves will have to be dealt with before the damage they have done within your home can be fixed. Therefore, the best form of termite control is preventing them from making it into your home in the first place. Read More»

Four Signs You Have A Flea Problem

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Fleas are a common household pest that can be commonly carried into your home by your pets but can then quickly spread to your clothes, bedding, and other soft surfaces. Fleas can also carry a number of diseases, which makes them a heath concern as well as a pest concern. The following are four signs that your home may have a flea problem, and if you notice one or any combination of them, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact a pest control specialist as soon as possible. Read More»

How To Remove Ladybugs From Your Home

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Ladybugs are a common garden insect that can be beneficial for your yard’s plants, as ladybugs are natural predators of aphids, another common garden pest. However, ladybugs can become a problem if they manage to find their way into the interior of your home, as they will likely do so in large groups and can find their way into food in your cabinets or garbage. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to remove the ladybug population that has found its way into your home. Read More»

Fall And Winter Mouse Prevention Tips: How To Keep Field Mice Out Of Your Home

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When the weather becomes too cold outside, some pests seek warmer places to raise their young, including field mice. Although field mice live in woody or grassy areas, the pests can enter human homes when it becomes too cold to live safely outdoors. Once inside your house, the pests create holes in your walls, cabinets, and flooring. The rodents also carry infectious diseases, parasites, and pathogens. You can keep mice out of your home with the simple tips below: Read More»

Inspect And Treat: How To Overcome A Bed Bug Situation

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Bed bugs are one of the worst pests you could possibly find in the home for several reasons. Unlike some pests, they survive and thrive by consuming human blood. They’re not attracted to food crumbs left on the table or on the floor. Instead, they are attracted to the warm body of a human or animal that they can feast on. Aside from biting people, bed bugs are notorious for being difficult to get rid of. Read More»

Going On Vacation? Don't Bring Home Bed Bugs!

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Bed bugs may not spread disease, but they do cause itchy bites and they are a real nightmare to get rid of once they’ve taken up residence in your home. If you’re going on vacation soon, it’s worth your while to take a few measures to ensure you don’t bring bed bugs home. Keep in mind that bed bugs can infest even clean hotels and homes. So even if the place you’re staying looks clean and pristine, you need to follow these tips: Read More»

Three Diseases Ticks Can Causes And Symptoms Of Each

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Many types of insects, such as ants and flies are oftentimes only a mere nuisance. While it’s true that ticks can be annoying as well, they are considered a more dangerous insect because of the diseases they are known to carry. Some of these tick-borne diseases cause very serious symptoms and others can be fatal. Here are three diseases ticks can cause and symptoms of each. Lyme Disease One of the most well-known tick-borne illnesses is Lyme disease. Read More»

Get Rid Of (And Prevent) Roaches In 6 Steps

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Pest elimination is a common concern, especially in the heat of the summer when even the bugs are looking for relief. Cockroaches are one of the most undesirable pests to have in the house. Are you afraid of attracting cockroaches to your house? Are you hoping to get rid of the ones you already have? These six steps will help you eliminate cockroaches from your home quickly and efficiently. 1. Place Glue Strips in Infestation Areas Read More»